Monday, September 8, 2014

Documentary Concept

Title: 'Get your DRAG on!'

Life is ALWAYS better in the fab lane.

   This documentary is going to follow the daily lives and happenings of Muncie local drag queens such as Tequila Mockingbird. We will examine their world view through interviews and footage of how they interact with and are received by the general public, as well as the campus of Ball State University. We will reveal the identity transformation that comes with developing their alter egos through hair, makeup, and costuming. The drag queens of Muncie have always been a lively bunch, but before they developed their grand self-confidence and sense of self, who were they, and how did they discover drag? How were they inspired?

1 comment:

  1. Great title, tagline and concept. I'd love to see you produce this though Muncie makes it difficult. You could consider the same story with subjects in South Bend.
