Monday, December 8, 2014

Role Reversal

RoleReversal from Shayna Shelton on Vimeo.


  1. This video turned out great, it made me laugh through the whole thing.

  2. The acting was good. The blue screen with the words on it seemed to interrupt the flow of the video though.

  3. Some of the role switching shots didnt really flow as well as they could have. I think the transitions could have been better. However, good story it got the point across.

  4. This was very comedic and I loved it! The first scene was a little confusing because we never got to the see the guy's facial expression or hear any comments from him but the other two were done great! Loved the whole idea of this video. Good job!

  5. I liked the lighting in your groups video, and it was funny in some parts, i just with there was more of the actors thoughts or more of the actors talking. Nice job group.

  6. I thought the video was very funny. I liked seeing the differences between the man and the woman. Loved the blooper audio at the end.

  7. Cute story! I thought you had nice camera work. Sometimes the audio was really loud. It might have been good to have some narration as to what was going on in Shayna's head like "I wonder how it would be if the roles were reversed?" That might have helped emphasize the story. I don't know if I would have understood had I not seen your pitch. Overall you guys did an awesome job!

  8. I think your concept came across pretty well. In the beginning, I felt like it would have been more effective to just have him run around the track once so you don't have to indicate the passing of time.

  9. funny video! I liked the comparisons, but i wish there would have been more of a transition from the "realities" like a whiteout or fadeout. Those guys were good sports.

  10. The overall story was cute and I enjoyed a lot of the expression shots. I think there could have been more to show the actor's expressions throughout the video. I liked the music choice and many shots were well done. I am not quite sure the story of the video came across... maybe a fade between the role reversals and regular life would have been helpful.
